Steel Shark™ Cut-Off Wheels
For heavy service where the metal sections are large or high pressures are applied, and top strength is essential, Buckeye reinforced hot pressed …

Steel-Rex™ Snagging Wheels
Buckeye Steel-Rex resinoid-bonded snagging wheels are engineered to handle both high-production and low-speed snagging jobs. The resinoid bonding …

Cones, Plugs, and Other Abrasives
Our cones and plugs for cleaning room operations are manufactured in a wide range of sizes to simplify metal removal, especially in hard-to-reach …
Superior Grinding Wheel Products
Our dual commitment to manufacturing high-quality products and offering unmatched service has made Buckeye a sought-after source for foundries, steel mills and heavy fabricators.
Since 1954, we've built our reputation as specialists in heavy metal removal. Today, Buckeye has the experience and expertise it takes to make your grinding operations run smoothly.

Our Promise to You
We will help you improve efficiency while cutting costs so your foundry operation runs as smoothly and profitably as possible.
Buckeye Abrasive Inc, a McCoy Group Company